"But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!" - Amos 5:24 (NIV)
LET JUSTICE ROLL! is intended to educate, inform and challenge readers regarding important issues and ideas at the intersection of faith and justice. For the most part, the themes offered here are viewed through a Christian lens. The topics chosen focus on social concerns that many of our parishioners currently share.
The short articles selected cover a diversity of issues from poverty/economic inequality, peace and human/LGBTQ rights, First Nations reconciliation to environmental stewardship, refugees, racism, food security and community/international development. The political is never far away from the topics we choose to present.
As Cornel West reminds us: "Justice is what love looks like in public!"
Issues can be accessed by selecting the issue in the left hand menu. Each page has access to a copy that you can download to read offline and has links to the articles in their original sources.
Content written specificially for Let Justice Roll! is published online as blog posts on the St. John's website.
The ideas and opinions expressed, and or positions articulated, in the newsletter may not officially be those of the Parish or the Diocese. Your feedback is encouraged! Please address your comments to either Murray Luft (Editor) or John McLaren (Interim SJAG Chair). We also invite you to submit provocative articles (already published or original) for inclusion in future editions of Let Justice Roll!
M.L. Editor