8:00 service of Holy Communion in the Walking Together Chapel.
This is a quiet and reflective service, with sermon, but without music, using the language of the ancient language of the Book of Common Prayer.
Enter via the Garden Door - the door at the top of the ramp on the north side of the building.
This service is only be available to attend in person and is not be livestreamed.
A note about the language used in the Book of Common Prayer ...
In our worship we use language which is poetic and filled with metaphor and wonder – realising that any language about God is limited. We use some ancient words which may seem odd, or may seem to refer to God as male, or in terms which elsewhere we might not choose to use. The poetry and the metaphor are there not to restrict or define our understanding of God, but to remind us that our words are never enough to talk about the Divine: instead we use the beauty of the words and music in our worship to help us glimpse just a little of the God beyond all words.