We believe that God is love.
We believe that all people are created in the Image of God, and loved and valued unconditionally. Grounded in Spiritual Community, we seek to engage the mystery of God through prayer, liturgy, music, service to one another and the world, and learning.
We believe that we are made for connection - with God, with one another, with ourselves, and with God's creation.
We believe in a God who reveals Godself in our worship, in the world around, in community, in one another, and we believe that God is revealed through thoughtful encounter with Scripture, tradition, reason, music, art, and much more.
We believe in a God who reaches out in love to the world and embraces all. A God who is deeply involved in their Creation and who calls us to be stewards of gifts we have been given: the earth, our time, our talents, and our resources. A God of abundance and generosity who calls us to be people of abundance and generosity ourselves.
We are a part of the Anglican Diocese of Islands and Inlets, known also by its colonial name as the Diocese of British Columbia. The Anglican tradition is broad and global, with various expressions found in various cultures, all connected by the traditions of liturgy and prayer, Biblical learning and scholarship, engagement with science and the arts, and the orders of Bishops, Priests, and Deacons working in partnership with the members of church communities (called 'the laity' or 'lay people' in church language) to serve the world in the name of Christ.
A brief synopsis of what it means to "be an Anglican" can be found our Diocesan website in a section called Being Anglican.
For many years St. John the Divine has described itself as Inclusive, and supports the full inclusion of all people in the wonderful, God-given, diversity of sexuality, gender identity, gender expression, race, culture, physical or mental diversity, income, or age. Recognizing that 'inclusion' has sometimes been used as a pseudonym for 'tolerance' we would go further and say that this wonderful diversity is to be affirmed as a reflection of God's very nature. We are a community that seeks to celebrate the diversity of God's people and recognize the unique gifts that people from different backgronds bring to our community. Some of our community writing on these themes can be found here: Inclusion