Since early 2017 the social justice and action work in the parish has been reviewed and guided by the Social Justice and Action Group (SJAG).
SJAG meets on a monthly basis and is representative of the various social justice and action ministries and others interested in that work. Its mission includes:
- support for the publication of a quarterly newsletter, Let Justice Roll, dealing with a range of challenging issues - Indigenous Relations; the Climate Crisis; Peacemaking and Disarmament; Human Rights Protection to name several
- development and staging of education programs for the parish and beyond dealing with Reconciliation with our Indigenous neighbours; Family relations, Homelesness in Victoria; Peacemaking; Refugee Support; Transgender Identity; and, the climate crisis
- advocating for various justice and rights causes, including Canadian adoption of the United Nations Document on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP); same gender marriage and relationships in the Canadian church and in the Anglican Communion
- keeping a watching brief on the various social justice and action programs in the parish with monthly reports from their representatives.