Click here to download Issue 16.

Welcome readers to our 16th issue! Again, we have opted to give priority to two complex issues: Reconciliation with First Nations and Climate Change -- employing what is essentially “a Christian, social justice lens”. As is our custom, we have chosen incisive articles that encourage theological reflection and ask (and hopefully answer) important questions about social justice and the life of the spirit in these uncertain times. Our hope is that you will find the content of this newsletter to be both thought-provoking and faith-challenging.

Issue #16 of LJR begins with a tribute to one of the true heroes of the Church, the South African anti-apartheid leader Rev. Desmond Tutu. In addition, we include poems, short reflections, cartoons, photos and quotes which might enhance your overall understanding of social justice. (Note that we are giving COVID-19 a rest in this issue!) After reading LJR, feel free to drop us an e-mail and let us know if this our first 2022 edition has been of some value to you on your faith journey.

Again, Karyn Lehmann, Carol-Ann Zenger, Sara Chu and Karen Coverett have brought their diverse skills to the design, production, roll-out and dissemination of LJR#16. Many thanks to them!

M.L., Editor


To make it easy to share the articles with friends and family, you'll find the links below to their original sources.