Diviners are a walking group based at St. John’s. It is not formally a group. Larry Scyner & Susan Powell make up a schedule for the year (May through October) and people meet for the walk and dinner at the pub.
Meeting time is Friday at 5:30 pm. (We wait 10 minutes only for late comers).
All walks will take place rain or shine ... mainly, so please make sure you let Susan or Larry know if you're planning to attend so they can update you on any changes.
Can you only make the walk or the dinner? No problem!
For questions, contact Susan Powell or Larry Scyner or the Church Office at 250-383-7169
NOTE: Dinner options may change depending on numbers walking and availability of pubs. If you want to come just for the pub, call Larry or Susan well before the walk so that they can let you know if there is a change. Leave a phone number, so we can reach you if we cannot get in to the pub selected.