- One email will be sent to the parish email list weekly on Fridays.
- The email will contain news of St. John the Divine events or items of interest.
- Once a month this email will also contain a Parish Council update submitted by the Vestry Clerk or their designate.
- The deadline for approved submissions is Wednesday at 4:30 pm for the Friday of the same week.
- Notices must be limited to no more than 100 words with no graphics, except for the Parish Council update which may be up to 300 words with no graphics.
- Attachments will not be included in this email.
- Under unusual circumstances such as, but not limited to a statutory holiday falling on a Friday, the email may be either postponed or cancelled for that week at the discretion of the Rector
- A very occasional reminder of important information may be sent out at the discretion of the rector or administrator. Examples include a particular birth or death, a singular event which was not in the bulletin, or information that cannot wait for the weekly omnibus.
- Reminders are not to be included. This includes reminders for individual and recurring events.
- All other uses of parish-wide emails are solely at the discretion of the rector.
- This policy is subject to conditions in Policy 1.02 Parish Email List Maintenance and Policy 1.04 Email Etiquette.