William (Bill) Huzar has lots to bring to synod. He has many years of experience listening to people and representing their interests. Look at one of his recent resumes.
As a consumer and pubic interest representative, I have worked on Technical and Technical Subcommittees of the Canadian Standards Association, one of Canada’s Standards Development Organizations, for the past fifteen years. These teams consist of professionals who work to develop national and international standards. The development is done on a consensus model where the members work in collaboration to achieve a standard for the safety and protection of consumers, nationally and internationally.
In 1998, I received a certificate of Achievement in ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) from the Faculty of Law University of Windsor. This course taught, amongst other techniques, active listening which I have used effectively in dealing with individuals and groups.
I am fully competent with the use of computer and other electronic communications technologies. As a member of the OSSTF Communications Committee, I developed and presented workshops and as a member of the OSSTF Mediation Council, I ran training workshops on dispute resolution throughout Ontario. As Chair of the National Volunteer Association, Corrections Canada, I presented briefs to the Sampson Panel on correctional reform and conducted national and regional meetings across Canada. Data-Based Decision Abilities
As the Treasurer for several Not for Profit organizations both local and national, I have developed skills in using spreadsheets, developing budgets and understanding financial and other statement. I have just completed an online course Foundations of Financial Management for Nonprofit Organizations offered by Volunteer Victoria and instructed by an accounting instructor from Camosun College, the Victoria community college.
Consumers Council of Canada Foundation President 2003-2012
Consumer Education and Research Foundation Cerf President 2013-2018
Consumers Council of Canada Executive Member 1997-2008 President 2003 - 2006 Secretary/Treasurer 1997- 2003
Foundation For Arts Sustainability Victoria President and Chair 2003-2009
Correctional Service Canada National Volunteer Association Board Member 2006-2013 Chair 2007-2013
Canadian Payments Association (Now Payments Canada) Member Stakeholder advisory Council 2007-2013 Chair 2011-2013
Retired Teachers of Ontario (now RTOERO) Victoria Unit Executive 2011- present District Executive currently Past President 2015- present Webmaster 2012-2019 RTO SENATE (senator or OBSERVER) 2013- 2018 Provincial Communications Committee 2014 -2018 National Board of Directors 2018-2020
Ontario Secondary Schools Teachers Federation
St John The Divine
St John’s Court Society
Dialogue And Resolution Centre Society
Daniel Lapp Society
Langham Court Theatre Society
Art Gallery Of Greater Victoria
St. George’s Anglican Church, Goderich Ontario