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“Everybody born comes from the Creator trailing wisps of glory.
We come from the Creator with creativity.” – Maya Angelou

Join us for a Soul Space Lenten Retreat Day!

We recognise that many people do not have time to take 4 hours out of their
day but still value a time to gather and learn, pray and fellowship, so we have planned the day accordingly.

Our Retreat begins at 10 am and goes through to a 30 minute lunch and then  into the afternoon until 2pm.
The day is free by donation.
Those who might wish to end the retreat after 2 hours may leave at or after lunch, and those who would like to continue may participate further until 2pm.

The day will include a special offering by Victoria Zajchowski who will introduce us to creating a personal  Book of Hours as a means of  prayer and reflection. You may view Victoria's own books and mandelas in the new Gallery Cabinet at St John's church Office.

During pandemic Victoria developed this simple yet beautiful practice and discovered a new way to access relaxation and personal spirituality.  With her belief that everyone is creative, she seeks to encourage each of us to lean into that life enhancing gift. (Victoria is certified as a Creativty Coach  by Eric Maisel, author of more than 30 books on the subject.)

Along with Victoria Zajchowski, Ruth MacIntosh and Cornelia van Voorst will be co- facilitating.

Our schedule looks like this with perhaps slight changes on the day :

10am gathering around coffee,
10.15 Introductions
10.30 Short Prayer Office
10.45 Introduction to Bookof Hours
11am Time for making (and conversation, there will also be spaces for those who desire quiet)

12pm lunch ( bring a bagged lunch and stay for fellowship

12.30 Time for Making
1.30 Sharing
1.45 Candlelit Prayers
2pm Farewell

We are looking forward to seeing you!

Contact the Office to register and for more information. or call 250-383-7169

You can also find an  Event Post about this event which allows you to save details to your electronic diary