This year we are studying the book 'After Jesus, Before Christianity' which deals with the life of the various 'Jesus Movements' in...
We will again be sharing in a short and simple service of Night Prayer (Compline) each week in Lent, this year on Mondays following our...
We mark the beginning of this most holy season of Lent with a simple said Holy Eucharist at St John's in the morning of Ash Wednesday....
Entering into this holy season of Lent we will have a Sung Eucharist on the Evening of Ash Wednesday. The Presider and Preacher will be...
Lent is one of the most important seasons of the Church year, a time of preparation for Easter, a time traditionally of prayer,...
As has become our custom, we will be sharing daily thoughts via our blog for every day in Lent and Holy Week (with a bonus post on...
Please join us for special prayers on this most holy day - Alastair leads us in a form of prayer adapted from the Liturgical Group of...
In the services for Ash Wednesday there are usually opportunities to recieve the traditional 'Imposition of Ashes' - a smudge of ash...
“Absolute freedom is absolute nonsense! We gain freedom in anything through commitment, discipline, and fixed habit.” ...
What is Fasting? Well the Cambridge Dictionary defines it as "to eat no food for a period of time" whilst the Oxford Learners...
Join us for a Soul Space Lenten Retreat Day! Contact the Office to register and for more information. or...
“Everybody born comes from the Creator trailing wisps of glory.We come from the Creator with creativity.” – Maya Angelou Join us...
For many of us, Christian or not, being good is the best thing we can be. Many ask: ” Am I a good person?” and for some it is a...
Freedom is a sweet word Freedom is a sweet wordA taste to savour, say it loudExercise your freedomFreedom means you are allowed to...
Dr Martin Luther King Jnr spoke often of freedom, of the dream of justice, and the hope of equity. Though his words come from and...
I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings A free bird leapson the back of the windand floats downstreamtill the current endsand dips his...
A reflection by community member, Kate Newman Slow the Snail “I have to be at work in 10 minutes!” What respectable working person...
The temptations that Jesus experienced during his time in the wilderness was not to work out if Jesus was the Son of God, but what...
For those of us who grew up in the UK in the 1980s Wham were a phenomenon. Their perfect pop was the kind of music that people seemed...