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I recently shared a link to my 'Faith Forum' article for the Times Colonist called 'Do All Dogs Go To Heaven' - which was meant to shift the focus from thinking of faith as primarily concerned with an afterlife to thinking of a living, vibrant faith of the everyday, rooted in the here and now. Not that asking questions of such metaphysical importance is irrelevant, but that it is too easy to use such questions to distract us from the very real issues of the world around us. 

I followed this up with a blog on the paper's website that reflects on the way in which sometimes as we search for answers, we forget to hold on to the questions, and use them to guide our living. Here's a link to that post: Treasuring the Questions,

And here's the Martyn Joseph song which was influential in my early days of finding a deeper, more expansive expression of Christian Faith than the one I had grown up in: