Coming up March 8! A retreat by which to enter the season of Lent. Soul Space is an initiative of St John's that seeks to...
Starting on Ash Wednesday we will have daily reflections on what it means to have a Courageous Faith in these times, thinking about...
God loves you. God loves you exactly as you are, for who you are, not despite who you are. You are loved, you are enough. There may be...
If we can look at courage as a place of befriending fear and trust at the same time, we no longer have to rely on pretending to be...
Jesus said, " ‘Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, or about your body,...
Ash Wednesday time to pauseto reflectto remember we are dustto dustwe shall return but notjust dustbeloved dustdust of starsdust...
Labi Siffre was a musician in London who had enjoyed success in the UK in the 1970s with a number of songs, but had gone into a kind...
Still Here I been scarred and battered.My hopes the wind done scattered. Snow has friz me, Sun has baked me, Looks like between...
"I am only too well aware of the human weaknesses and failures which exist, the doubts about the efficacy of nonviolence, and the...
To fight aloud is very brave To fight aloud, is very brave - But gallanter, I knowWho charge within the bosomThe Calvalry of Woe...
“I am convinced that we all have the capacity to live within a narrative of great adventure, no matter our life circumstances. The...
Eleanor Roosevelt said "Courage is doing what you didn't think you could.". Courage is more than facing or conquering fear, it is...
Bishop Logan, former Bishop of this Diocese of Islands and Inlets often led us in singing a South African song which was popularized...
A simple service of prayer and reflection which takes place via Zoom...
If we are to grow in our courage, and be sustained in our journey of faith, we will need to find those moments of joy which help us to...
On the Liberation of Sleep The grip of thoughts can be adamant,fingers cling to fraying edges of the mind,clasping and turning...
Most of us know the poem 'First They Came' by German Lutheran Pastor Martin Niemöller First They Came First they came for the...
Courage to Change World, I want to leave you betterI want my life to matterI am afraid I have no purpose hereI watch the news on...
Reflection In the Hebrew story of Ruth we see the courage of a young woman who, having lost her husband, follows her (also widowed)...
Scripture “You have made my days a few handbreadths, and my lifetime is as nothing in your sight. Surely everyone stands as a mere...