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If we can look at courage as a place of befriending fear and trust at the same time, we no longer have to rely on pretending to be strong when we are scared. Acknowledging fear and walking with it is an invitation to find a sense of Godly presence being with us, no matter what.

Courage looks and feels different every day. There are times when having courage means being focused on taking one breath to get you to the next breath. Other times, it is voicing your truth, despite being nervous about the reaction.

Some of my most courageous moments were not ones in which I felt bold and fearless. They were ones when I felt vulnerable and sick to my stomach. I felt as if I was opening myself up to either rejection, or the unknown, or judgment. There was fear and plenty of insecurities. Yet, to move from one moment to the next moment with the hope that God’s grace and love would be holding me allowed me to be vulnerable.

During this Lententide I invite us to rest in God’s love as we examine ourselves. Let us take courage in getting in touch with our authentic selves and emotions, which is exactly where our loving God resides.


When I am afraid,
I put my trust in you.

In God, whose word I praise,
in God I trust; I am not afraid;
what can flesh do to me?

Psalm 56.3,4


Artwork - "Courage is dancing in the midst of chaos." Revoada Arts, Sao Paulo, Brazil