As has become our custom, we will be sharing daily thoughts via our blog for every day in Lent and Holy Week (with a bonus post on...
I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings A free bird leapson the back of the windand floats downstreamtill the current endsand dips his...
There are some things that just don’t make much sense. Water doesn’t become wine, bread and fish don’t suddenly multiply, the lame...
One of the encouragements in our Christian journey is to learn to let go of worry. Worry is that unproductive concern about what might...
“I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge. That myth is more potent than history. That dreams are more powerful than...
Lamenting is expressing the deep pain we feel at the injustice of the world, of life, of death, of loss. It's a profound and painful...
"When we give ourselves permission to fail, we, at the same time, give ourselves permission to excel." ― Eloise Ristad On the...
Today Today I’m flying low and I’mnot saying a wordI’m letting all the voodoos of ambition sleep. The world goes on as it must,the...
Some believers seem to think that faith is a closed system, a big block of truth to which we have to assent (or not, and bear the...
There are three things we have to let go of. The first is the compulsion to be successful. Second, is the compulsion to be...
Many of us live our lives trying to meet the expectations of other people, of the society around us, and even of our selves. We are...
In her book Bright Evening Star: Mystery of the Incarnation, Madeleine L’Engle remarked that “all God ever wanted from us is to allow...
“Not forgiving is like drinking rat poison and then waiting for the rat to die.” Anne Lamott, Traveling...
When I was very young, the things I made, the pictures I painted, the excited discoveries I made were celebrated by my family, my...
THE FOURTH SIGN OF THE ZODIAC (PART 3) I know, you never intended to be in this world.But you’re in it all the same. So why not get...
We are loved as individuals, loved by God for exactly who we are - not despite who we are, as some seem to think. Alongside this value...
One of my favourite representations of Jesus is 'The Laughing Christ,' or more accurately 'Jesus Christ, Liberator' by Canadian Artist...
There were two and a half years between the declaration of Emancipation of 1863 (as remembered in the US as 'Juneteenth') and the...
Starting on Ash Wednesday we will have daily reflections on what it means to have a Courageous Faith in these times, thinking about...
God loves you. God loves you exactly as you are, for who you are, not despite who you are. You are loved, you are enough. There may be...