Our community Prayers today will be live at noon on the St John the Divine Facebook page. Alastair will lead us in prayers with a focus...
Our community prayers today will be led by Alastair, using an order from the Franciscan tradition. The prayers will be live on the St...
Please join us for our community prayers at noon on the St John the Divine Facebook page - our order is taken from commonprayer.net and...
Please join us at noon for our community prayers on the St John the Divine Facebook page. The order is taken from the ACIP publication...
Join us today at noon on the St John the Divine Facebook page for our daily prayers with Alastair. The order is taken from the Social...
Please join us for our Community Prayers at noon led by Alastair on our St John the Divine Facebook Page. The order for today is taken...
Bishop Logan, former Bishop of this Diocese of Islands and Inlets often led us in singing a South African song which was popularized...
As has become our custom, we join with our Cathedral Congregation to observe the Great Vigil of Easter - Beginning with readings and...