Join us in worship for a service of prayer and word for the Second Sunday after Pentecost
We will be gathering at 10:00 am on Sunday, June 14, 2020 using Zoom.
Officiant: The Venerable Alastair McCollum
Readers: Muriel Ryan, Michael Zenger
Gospel: Stephanie Wood
Sermon: The Reverend Canon Kevin Arndt
Intercessor: Lorraine Gates
Music: David Stratkauskas
Soile Stratkauskas
Emily Markwart, Sutton Organ Scholar
The final hymn is from a recording made on March 22, 2020 and features McRae Scholars and St. John's Choristers.
For a note about Florence B. Price, and music in this time of continuing struggle against racism and for equality, we invite you to take a moment and read this week’s music blog post by Emily Markwart.
You'll also be able to listen again to Andante that was played following the sermon.
A recording will be available to watch below once it has finished proceessing. Assuming technology cooperates, we will also be livestreaming to YouTube.
The order of service is available to download below.
A note from Alastair: "My apologies that being flustered at the start of the service meant that I said something I never would normally say - referring to the Indigenous peoples of these lands as 'our Indigenous peoples' - that was not appropriate, and is language I would seek to avoid - they are our sisters and brothers, but no people's belong to us!"
To participate in the online coffee hour following the service, you will need to use Zoom.
If you did not receive an email from Carol-Ann with a link to the Zoom meeting, please ensure you check your spam folder as it may be hiding there. If not, please contact Carol-Ann to make sure you are on the parish email list.
If you would like to and as you are able, please consider supporting the ongoing work of St. John the Divine by donating through Canada Helps.
You can also make donations to the June Blue Envelope Fund to support PEERS through Canada Helps by selecting Monthly Blue Envelopes from the Fund dropdown menu.