Day 8 - Reconciling with All of Creation
“So that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be complete” (Jn 15:11)
Join John for midday prayers as part of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.
Today's prayers will take place live on Facebook at noon.
The order of service is also available to download.
Questions for Discussion and Reflection
- Jesus relates the parable of the mustard seed to his disciples: the kingdom of God might start small, but it is going to grow and flourish before long. However, it takes all of us to bring this vision to life. How is it connected to our Day 2 readings of Abram and Sarai, and Jesus’s proclamations as a youth in his ministry?
- How can the works that we do in our communities be like a mustard seed?
- Jesus often refers to agricultural activity in his preaching (sheep and shepherds, vines and fruit). Farming is a crucial part of our society and, without farmers, our country would grind to a halt. Take a few moments to reflect on the importance that Jesus places on farming. How have we become more removed from this understanding and how may we become more attuned to it?