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We're over halfway there! The new cameras are installed and the streaming table has moved to its new location.
Thanks to your generosity we are also over halfway funded on our Livestream-AV Upgrade project. 
For those joining us online, as of September 26, you'll have noticed some new views of the church as well as improved video quality ... and that was just with one of our two new cameras functioning. Many thanks to Ryan for the time her spent getting our camera presets ready to go.
In time for Mary Alford's memorial service on October 1, we had both cameras in use.  If you watch that service, you might want to keep an eye out for Mary's dog ... I'd have never got that view with our old video cameras!
For those attending in person, we've retired two of the three video cameras and moved the streaming table to a more out of the way location. We still have more wires around than will be the case once the project is done since the challenges of the supply chain during COVID-10 mean we're still waiting on the arrival of the new microphones. 
We are currently anticipating that the project will wrap up in late November, which means there is still time to raise the rest of the funds needed.
If you're like some of our little and middles and want a tour of the new set-up, let me know ... driving the new cameras is a lot of fun.