And maybe it is easier to learn kindness in these times.
When the whole world is like a small child with a fever,
trying her very best to make herself feel better.
Maybe we find our unity in the near losing of everything.
Where we have no choice but to depend upon each other-
key workers, volunteers and neighbours.
This is what it takes to realise we are in this together.
A man helps someone he dislikes because they are in danger.
A neighbour delivers groceries to everyone ill on her street.
Old friends forgive each other and stop acting like they are
Maybe this time, this is when the revolution arrives dressed
as kindness.
People helping each other despite their differences.
Understanding, truly, that without the aid of others.
we would be all alone in this.
Nikita Gill
from Where Hope Comes From: Poems of Resilience, Hope, and Light
God has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8
Artwork - Detail from Jacopo Bassano, 'The Good Samaritan', about 1562-3