After having lapsed from the Roman Catholic church, the issue of organizing against the transportation of hazardous goods through Vic West brought me to the Anglican church. “I’ll be part of the campaign if you come to church for a month,” said the priest at St. Saviour’s. I did, and it resonated so powerfully that I knew this was a place where I could learn, love and grow. I continued to attend and participated in the activities there. A move across town to Mitraniketan Co-op in the mid 1980’s brought me to St. John’s. Here, I was formally received into the Anglican church, and in 1988, Chris Eve and I were married. I participated in so many things – the Refugee Committee, educational evenings, Bible studies, social events, New To You, Servers Guild (I was even Crucifer then), and so much more. I served on Parish Council. Chris and I left St. John’s for some years to attend St. Philip’s in Oak Bay. Again, I found myself actively involved in activities there. When I casually suggested that parishioners might benefit from courses on Genesis and another on genealogy, I found myself facilitating them! Both were successful.
Sadly, my mother-in-law in England suffered failing health for about two years, and our time was spent mostly there. We attended, and were well supported by, the Church of England.
I have been back at St. John’s for four years, and this is where I want to stay. You will see me serving many Sundays. I also participate in Sermon Circle, help in the office, co-facilitated social media workshops, attend educational events, Meditative Eucharists, Divine Brunches, Iona evenings, and potlucks.
As well as finding God in the liturgy at St. John’s and the community involvement, I find God in the people. I am a self-confessed extrovert who loves to help where she can.
Contact Penny through the office. See the office contact details below.