Blessings to all this Christmastime! This festival of Grace, this celebration of Incarnation, reminds us of a God who is not remote,...
Mark Wallinger's Ecce Homo Wallinger said his sculpture of Christ was not meant to be perverse or tongue in cheek. 'I wanted to show...
In conjunction with the March Blue Envelope campaign, join us for this half-day PWRDF Workshop. Jointly sponsored by the St. John's...
Faith in Justice Series: The Faith In Justice Series presents "Trans 101" an exploration of gender identity by...
Watch this space for the topic
"I hate rollercoasters" With these words our newly elected and installed Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, the Most Revd...
Advent Credo It is not true that creation and the human family are doomed to destruction and loss—This is true: For God so loved the...
The God We Hardly Knew No one can celebratea genuine Christmaswithout being truly poor.The self-sufficient, the proud,those who,...
We are praying again live at noon today - this time on YouTube - available here:
Happy BC Day! Today's prayers with Alastair will be live at noon on the St John the Divine Facebook Page (you don't have to have...
A work of art, courtesy of Enfleshed This bold artwork, with a quote taken from 'The Song of Mary' (aka The Magnficat) from The Gospel...
For our Lent book this year we are reading Isabelle Hamley's Embracing Justice It's a substantial but accessible book referring to the...
Scripture ‘With what shall I come before the Lord, and bow myself before God on high?Shall I come before him with...
Freedom is a sweet word Freedom is a sweet wordA taste to savour, say it loudExercise your freedomFreedom means you are allowed to...
Dr Martin Luther King Jnr spoke often of freedom, of the dream of justice, and the hope of equity. Though his words come from and...
There is deep in the soul a hope, a longing for what it might actually be like to feel a sense of freedom. For our siblings who are...
Our community Prayers today will be live at noon on the St John the Divine Facebook page. Alastair will lead us in prayers with a focus...
Reflection Today at St John's our Bishop, Anna, led us in reflections on Mary the Mother of Jesus - traditionally the fourth Sunday in...