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10am service of Holy Eucharist.

This is the main Sunday gathering, a music-filled service, with sermon, and Holy Communion.
There is an activity area for young children in the church, and the service is followed by coffee afterwards at the back of the church.

This service is livestreamed on our YouTube channel on the Sunday Services playlist.
It can aslo be attended via a Zoom link - please email the church office to ask to be placed on the mailing list for access.

Please note, as we are continuing what we have been calling our Zoom-Livestream Hybrid format, there will be times when those of us in the Church building will not see contributors such as intercessors, readers, or even preachers – though we will be able to hear them through our sound system.


If you would like to and as you are able, please consider supporting the ongoing work of St. John the Divine by donating through Canada Helps. 

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You can also make donations to the Blue Envelope Fund to support each month's outreach ministry through Canada Helps by selecting Monthly Blue Envelopes from the Fund dropdown menu.