Each year the Parish Council chooses 12 outreach ministries or projects that we want to support as a community.
The money collected and distributed is not part of the budget. Each month we have the opportunity to make a personal offering back to God and direct our gifts to specific ministries or programs.
These offerings have traditionally been collected in a blue envelope, and have become known as our monthly Blue Envelopes.
You can also make donations through Canada Helps by selecting Monthly Blue Envelopes from the Fund dropdown menu.
In 2025, we are supporting the programs and ministries below.
JANUARY - Street Hope
Street Hope Victoria is a volunteer-driven Christian organization that builds personal relationships with people who face multiple barriers and marginalization and encourages them to seek wholeness in all aspects of their lives. Street Hope operates out of a motor home, which is parked in downtown Victoria on a couple of weekday evenings. Volunteers welcome people into the motor home and serve them homemade soup, sandwiches, hot chocolate, juice, cookies and fruit. We feed hungry people, provide essentials such as warm clothing and toiletries, establish and nurture meaningful connections with folks, and encourage them towards healing in their lives.
FEBRUARY - Food Bank at St. John’s
The Food Bank at St. John’s provides staple food items to those in need in our community.
MARCH - Alongside Hope
Alongside Hope, formally known as the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF), was established by the Anglican General Synod of Canada in 1959. The name reflects the agency’s main program focus and philosophy. Alongside Hope provides for long-term development needs connected to most of the suffering caused by natural or human-provoked disasters.
Tel: 416 924 9199
Email: info@alongsidehope.org
APRIL - Rainbow Haven
Rainbow Haven bridges an often-overlooked gap in the road to asylum for African LGBTQ+ refugees. That gap, which usually lasts about one year, exists from the time an LGBTQ+ refugee flees persecution in their home country until they get to a safe country. During that time, Rainbow Haven provides food and shelter.
Contact: Duane Lecky
Email: rainbowhavensoc@gmail.com
MAY - Victoria-Taiama Partnership
This charitable project was co-founded by Eric Sama (a member of the congregation of the Church of St. John the Divine). It provides medicinal, educational, and cultural supports to the Taiama community in Sierra Leone.
JUNE - Anawim House
Through Anawim House, the Anawim Companions Society places helping those that are less fortunate as its primary goal. They provide meals, showers, laundry and a place to call home for people on a daily basis, while in a sober environment.
JULY - Threshold Housing
Threshold Housing Society was founded in 1990 by a group of concerned Anglican parishioners to address the transitional housing needs of youth aged between 16 and 21 years who are at risk of homelessness. The Society provides supportive programming in the several homes it owns, and a new initiative which helps youth who are renters in private rooms or suites. Threshold Housing Society was incorporated as a charitable society under the BC Societies Act in March 1990.
Tel: 250 383 8830
Email: info@thresholdhousing.ca
AUGUST - Victoria Native Friendship Centre
The mandate of VFNC is "To encourage and promote the well-being of Urban Aboriginal People, by strengthening individuals, family, and community.” Beginning their work in 1969, the Centre has become a vital resource for urban Indigenous individuals and families, and is strategically positioned to play a major role in the development and implementation of urban Indigenous governance on southern Vancouver Island.
SEPTEMBER - Food Bank at St. John’s
The Food Bank at St. John’s provides staple food items to those in need in our community.
OCTOBER - Out of the Rain
The Out of the Rain Youth Night Shelter is a community project, providing shelter to homeless youth during the coldest months of the year. A coalition of community agencies, faith-based organizations, businesses, and individual volunteers work together to provide space, professional support, and food for the shelter. The shelter rotates among host sites in the community. Out of the Rain volunteers support staff as helpers or cook hot meals.
Tel: 250-415-3856 (During shelter hours)
Coordinator Phone: 250-884-3701
Email: jmortimer@beaconcs.ca
NOVEMBER - Aboriginal Neighbours
Aboriginal Neighbours is an ecumenical organization initiated by the Anglican Diocese of British Columbia. The organization was formed out of its members’ concerns for the First Peoples and the future of aboriginal children. As RILL now has stable funding Aboriginal Neighbours will be fundraising for and focusing on Indigenous Music and Arts through the First Peoples Cultural Foundation (FPCF)
Tel: 250-595-1786
DECEMBER - Rector's Discretionary Fund
This fund provides the rector with money that they can give away and use at their discretion. It could be to help a family in the parish whose house burned down. It could be used to buy a sandwich for a street person. Now more than ever many are finding it hard to make ends meet. It allows the parish to help people quietly and gives the rector a budget that they can use as they see fit without getting approval from wardens, parish council, or vestry.